DALLAS — On February 5, 1972, Aeroflot (SU) and Lufthansa (LH) jointly inaugurated services between Moscow and Frankfurt-am-Main.
This marked a significant milestone in aviation history, as it represented a collaboration between airlines from the Soviet Union and West Germany during the Cold War era.
During this period, the joint service between SU and LH was part of a broader trend of increasing air travel connections between Eastern and Western Europe. It allowed for improved transportation links and facilitated business and cultural exchanges between the two countries.
This development came as LH expanded its international routes and entered new markets. In the same year, the German flag carrier became the first airline to operate the cargo version of the Boeing 747 on scheduled flights between Frankfurt and New York.
The collaboration between SU and LH was noteworthy, considering the political tensions of the time. It demonstrated that even during the Cold War, there were opportunities for civil aviation cooperation between countries with different political systems.
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Exploring Airline History Volume I
David H. Stringer, the History Editor for AIRWAYS Magazine, has chronicled the story of the commercial aviation industry with his airline history articles that have appeared in AIRWAYS over two decades. Here, for the first time, is a compilation of those articles.
Subjects A through C are presented in this first of three volumes. Covering topics such as the airlines of Alaska at the time of statehood and Canada's regional airlines of the 1960s, the individual histories of such carriers as Allegheny, American, Braniff, and Continental are also included in Volume One. Get your copy today!